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Getting from the Data Sharing Land of No onto Pathways to Yes: Navigating Data Sharing Projects for Non-Attorneys

Data sharing, particularly cross-sector data sharing, is easier said than done. Inflexible and out-of-touch data laws and a lack of a replicable data sharing framework can result in a data sharing proposal’s untimely demise.

This Network for Public Health Law webinar will provide an exploration of a new structured approach to successful data sharing initiatives, as outlined in a recently released resource from the Network for Public Health Law and Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH): Pathways to Yes: A legal framework for achieving data sharing for health, well-being, and equity.

It is designed for entities that want to share data but don’t know how or where to begin the process; as well as those that have run into obstacles in their data-sharing planning; including the “culture of ‘no’,” a factor that inhibits or prohibits data sharing based on an incomplete understanding of when and how laws (particularly health data privacy laws) permit data sharing.

November 30

“I Want to Say ‘Yes,’ But…”— A Webinar for Lawyers Advising Data-Sharing Efforts