News & Insights
4 Tips for Communicating Data for Impact
After you've worked hard collecting a rich repository community health data, it can be tempting to declare victory, but the work isn't over yet! In order to make data valuable and actionable, it must be turned into meaningful information. The DASH NPO staff recently attended several presentations from data storytelling experts. Read four pieces of advice most often shared.
Connecting Data Across Sectors to Address Cardiovascular Disease
In Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, much like the rest of America, one’s neighborhood has a significant impact on their risk of developing cardiovascular disease—the leading cause of death in the county. While many areas of the county are undergoing revitalization, some neighborhoods never recovered after the collapse of the steel industry, resulting in major health inequities across geographies, economic status, and race and gender identities.
DASH Environmental Scan: Early Learnings from an Emerging Field
In 2015, Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH) conducted an environmental scan of the state of multi-sector data sharing initiatives aimed at improving community health. Monitoring and analysis is ongoing, but the initial findings show a vibrant and diverse set of initiatives exist across the country.