
DASH ABCD and Data Webinar Series Part 4
Join us for our fourth and final webinar on ABCD and Data: Telling Your Community's Data Story.

DASH ABCD and Data Webinar Series Part 3
This webinar was originally set to take place on July 2, but it has been postponed. The finalized date is July 23rd.

DASH ABCD and Data Webinar Series Part 2
Join us on June 4, 2024, for the second webinar of our four-part series on Asset-Based Community Development.

DASH ABCD and Data Webinar Series Part 1
Join us on March 22, 2024, for the first webinar of our four-part series on Asset-Based Community Development.

DASH Incubator Information Session
Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH) is excited to introduce the Incubator, a unique grant and support program, available for past grantees, that will advance equity in data ecosystems.

Community Information Exchange Virtual Summit 2023
This virtual summit on June 7-8, 2023, will examine specific Community Information Exchange (CIE) use cases, examples, and workflows. Presentations will highlight CIE San Diego and other CIE-like community developments, frameworks, and lessons learned.

Accelerating Health Equity Conference
Data Across Sectors for Health is sponsoring the Accelerating Health Equity Conference in May 2023, hosted by the AHA Community Health Improvement (ACHI) national association. The conference is designed for healthcare professionals who are focused on improving community and population health and building partnerships, and who strive to advance diversity and inclusion within hospital management and executive levels to focus.

“I Want to Say ‘Yes,’ But…”— A Webinar for Lawyers Advising Data-Sharing Efforts
This webinar compliments an earlier webinar designed for data-sharing project managers and advocates who want to understand the legal framework around data sharing in order to work effectively with attorneys to develop data-sharing plans.

Getting from the Data Sharing Land of No onto Pathways to Yes: Navigating Data Sharing Projects for Non-Attorneys
This Network for Public Health Law webinar will provide an exploration of a new structured approach to successful data sharing initiatives, as outlined in a recently released resource from the Network for Public Health Law and Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH): Pathways to Yes: A legal framework for achieving data sharing for health, well-being, and equity.